Hit List



GO WILD! "PLAY TO SAVE A STRAY" is a charity event, and players must keep that point in the front of their mind. It's nice to win and nice to get cool prizes. And ... yes ... someone will win and some people will get cool prizes at the event. But please don't miss the the forest for the trees. The main goal of this and every charity event run by Pressganger Quixotic is to GIVE BACK TO THE COMMUNITY. People in DuBois often complain that the town sucks and that there's nothing good that goes on here. That's just not the truth. And we're proving it, one small step at a time.

Having said that, understand that there are several options for people to give to the SPCA, but nobody expects you to do all of them. There are t-shirts, calandars, tokens, supply donations, and cash donations that go to help the SPCA. Choose one, or choose them all. Go wild ... and give what you can. But don't feel bad if you can't do them all.
Also, remember that eating lunch OR dinner at the restaurant does not really benefit the SPCA directly. It supports our use of the Hotel to have the event and play some HORDES. So the buying of food itself is not really viewed as a donation if in fact you are playing in the event.
Have fun and "play like you've got a pair."

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