Hit List



A heavy warjack may spend a focus point to trample over small-based models in its path. Trampling combines a warjack’s movement and combat action. A warjack that suffers a penalty to its SPD or movement for any reason, regardless of offsetting bonuses, or is denied its movement or action cannot make a trample power attack. Any effects that prevent charging also prevent a model from making a trample power attack. Declare a trample attack at the beginning of the warjack’s movement. Choose a direction in which you wish to trample, and turn the model to face that direction. The warjack then moves up to its current SPD +3” in a straight line. It may move through any small-based model in its path, and there must be room for the trampling model’s base at the end of this movement. During trample movement, the warjack cannot move over terrain across which it could not also charge, and it cannot change its facing during or after. Do not resolve free strikes against the trampling warjack during this movement. After the warjack has finished its movement, it makes a melee attack against each small-based model through which it moved during this movement in the order it moved through them. Resolve each trample attack as if it took place where the trampling model contacted the small-based model during its trample movement. Completely resolve each attack individually and apply the targets’ special rules immediately as each attack is resolved. Models hit cannot perform free strikes against the trampling warjack and suffer a damage roll with a POW equal to the current STR of the attacker. Resolve all free strikes against the trampling warjack after resolving trample attacks. Resolve each free strike as if it took place where the trampling model disengaged from the model making the free strike. After making all of its trample attacks, a warjack may spend focus points to make additional melee attacks against any models in melee range.

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