BatleCollege tells us: Haley is as respectable a force in melee as at range. With a MAT:6 and seven points of focus she can go after lightly armored targets. If she's used Temporal Barrier her MAT effectively boosts up to a nine! If she just hangs back and aims her hand cannon at things mired in the TB she's effectively RAT:10, and few things can evade her shots. Haley's relatively difficult to hit, and if she has any vulnerabilities it's that she's got a low ARM and few damage points for a warcaster. A few good solid hits on her and she's dead meat, so models like Pistol Wraiths are a serious threat.This is why she is usually fielded with a Journeyman warcaster. The Journeyman can slap an Arcane Shield on Haley to bump her armor to a more respectable level. Still, you have to be cautious of the Cryx assassination lists. A Skarre Bomb will kill Haley just about every time if she isn't overcharged or doesn't have Arcane Shield on her, and if she's not holding focus points for Arcane Vortex, an assassination run from the Witch Coven of Garlgast will be lethal. Read more
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