The Skorne are crossing over the harsh Stormlands to conquer the soft peoples of Western Immoren. They are born and bred for battle, having engaged in inter-house warfare for centuries before uniting for this grand invasion. They control their massive warbeasts with precise applications of pain and drugs and their warriors strive to outdo each other in melee to earn personal honor and a chance to be Exalted after death. In Skorne philosophy, the strong exist to dominate the weak, and the Skorne are strong indeed.
- Skorne Melee: Skorne troops are split into a light first-strike class, intended to inflict heavy casualties on enemy troops, and the heavier Cataphracts, chosen for their power and durability. Even their ranged troops are trained in melee and can fight skillfully in hand to hand combat.
- Skorne Ranged: While melee is considered more honorable by the Skorne, they have come to recognize the value of ranged weapons, especially against enemy warbeasts. Most of their ranged weapons are designed to either cause enough damage to injure enemy warbeasts or aid in neutralizing them.
- Skorne Magic: Much of Skorne magic centers around controlling and manipulating warbeasts. They are the undisputed masters of Fury control, and also have a good selection of troop buffing spells. Offensive spells usually include an interference component on top of doing damage.
- Skorne Warbeasts: Selectively bred and often surgically altered for use in warfare, Skorne warbeasts tend to be well armored and able to cause large amounts of damage. With the ability to control Fury and drive their beasts harder than any other faction, they will generally get the first swings in and leave little standing. While not entirely meant for melee, they also have good support beasts that use their special abilities to disrupt the enemy and aid their troops. Skorne beasts tend to have animi that help their allies more than themselves.
(Information supplied by Dboeren and the Strategic Academy along with the Mentors and PPS_Adam.)