Lieutenant Allister Caine - Cygnar warcaster
- Hunter 878
- Lancer 202
- Hunter 878
- Lancer 202
Rosie - Journeyman Warcaster
- Defender 817
Gun Mage Captain Adept
Arcane Tempest Gun Mages (2 units)
Long Gunners + Officer and Standard Bearer
Magnus the Traitor
- Mule
- Mangler
Herne and Jonne
Greygore Bomhowler and Company
Master Gunner Dougal MacNaile
Doc Killingsworth
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
Kell Bailoch
Ogrun Bokur - Magnus
Ogrun Bokur - Boomhowler
Bosun Grogspar
Gorman Di Wulfe
Highlights of the Game included:
- In turn 2, Gun Mages earning their keep by knocking out the Cortex on the Mangler.
- In turn 3, Jonne managing to nearly wipe out a unit of Gun Mages with one shot.
- In turn 3, Freebooter double handed throwing Hunter turning it into a wreck.
- In turn 4, with Eyriss out in the open. Caine dropping all his focus on trying to shoot her and missing every time!
- In turn 4, Mangler having a chance to kill 5 Gun Mages ... and missing all of them.
- In turn 4, Boomhowler and the boys pounding Caine to mush.
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