Beach: AOE attacks with a POW 14 or greater that do not hit their target directly leave a 3” diameter crater centered on the point of impact if the center point is on beach terrain. Treat these craters as shallow water.
Broken Coast Ship: A Broken Coast Ship is a 14” x 36” man-made construction that features many elements (See diagram). In some scenarios, Broken Coast ships will be structures.
Forecastle/Aftcastle: The forecastle and aftcastle are obstacles that provide elevation.
Forecastle/Aftcastle: The forecastle and aftcastle are obstacles that provide elevation.
Masts: The masts are obstructions. In some scenarios, the masts will be structures.
Ship's Crane: The center mast serves as the ship’s crane. A warrior model with a melee weapon in base-contact with the crane can take a special action to pick up any friendly model that is completely within 8” of the crane and place them anywhere completely within 8” of the crane. Models picked up by the crane are subject to free strikes from models engaging them at the time they are picked up. Models picked up by the crane must sacrifice their movement if they have not already activated this turn.
Ship’s Rail: The ship’s rail is a linear obstacle surrounding the outside edge of the entire ship.
Ship’s Rail: The ship’s rail is a linear obstacle surrounding the outside edge of the entire ship.
Pier: A pier is a man-made construction. In some scenarios, piers will be structures.
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